PokeDX: Set on becoming one of the leading DEX aggregators and trading platforms on Binance Smart Chain and beyond

5 min readOct 14, 2021

In the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) segment, DEX aggregation protocols are likely to continue gaining a bigger piece of the pie at the expense of Automated Market Makers (AMMs) like UniSwap and PancakeSwap. PokeDX is now in its 3rd week of existence since the no-presale, fair launch on September 16th. Since then, more than 400 investors (most of which are long-term) have joined the community. PokeDX’s goal is to provide users with the most comprehensive, powerful and intuitive trading experience in decentralized finance (DeFi). PokeDX brings permissionless on-chain data, real-time chart streaming, portfolio management and integrated trade execution capabilities — in a beautiful UX powered by the PDX token.

The new Pricerunner made for cryptocurrencies

PokeDX allows investors to make informed decisions about their trades and coin swaps, using smart order routing to get users the best price across DEX networks. The platform will include features such as DEX aggregation, FIAT on-ramp, swaps, limit orders, stop losses and options trading, all in one seamless and easy-to-use UI. This in addition to portfolio management, on-chain key data, news and social integrations.

Many may agree that the current offering of trading platforms are cluttered and unintuitive, limited to basic tools with a poor user experience. PokeDX believes that the key is simplicity. Cleaner tools make better trades. PokeDX’s long-term goal is to offer the most potent and advanced trading tools wrapped in the simplest and most intuitive user experience. The ultimate goal of PokeDX is to provide their users with an experience so transparent and straightforward, that their impression of decentralized trading will no longer be a challenge, rather an opportunity available to everyone.

Powered by the $PDX token
Simply holding PDX, or a combination of PDX and PDX Cake-LP tokens will grant the holder access to premium features on the PokeDX platform. The team is currently developing the core functionality, but as more features are added, some will require the user to hold x $PDX to gain access. In addition to it’s utility PDX is also a reflective token, which means that a fixed % of each transaction is redistributed to holders. This happens automatically with every transaction, which secures “constant dividends” for anyone taking participation. The $PDX token is native to Binance Smart Chain and can be bought via PokeDX.app or PancakeSwap.finance.

Ad-free user experience
To ensure a smooth user experience, PokeDX has chosen to be ad-free, and they plan to keep it that way. Instead of displaying flashy and annoying ads, PokeDX will gradually integrate Sponsored tokens where it makes sense in the UI. They aim to help and aid other projects to reach new audiences more organically and socially this way. Other features include voting on tokens, displaying trending tokens with more on the drawing board. Ideas are welcome and feedback much appreciated.

A stakeholder-centric ecosystem
Although only in Alpha development (the first testing-stage of the software life-cycle), the PokeDX ecosystem is inherently stakeholder-centric, in the way that both users (active traders) and investors (HODLers) take part in the reflective tokenomics. The team is currently developing a staking-reward module for market makers (LP providers). At the time of writing, 2% of each transaction is distributed back to holders (proportionally to their PDX holdings) while 2% is sent to the Liquidity Pool (LP). This will eventually change to 4% pure reflection, and as the platform matures, stakeholders will also receive a part of revenues generated by platform fees, pay-per-use features, and sponsored projects. The full roadmap will be outlined in detail in the PokeDX Whitepaper, which will be released as the project gets closer to Production Beta.

Utilizing the power of DeFi

PokeDX has a strong vision and belief that Blockchain will revolutionize the traditional financial system. Smart contracts and DeFi are particularly ripe for disruption. DeFi is already decentralizing core use cases, such as trading, lending, peer-to-peer payments, and insurance — to name a few. Blockchain and DeFi are fundamentally redefining how we think about organizations. Smart Contracts allow us to cooperate in a trustless, global environment with innovative mechanisms for stakeholder participation and rewards. PokeDX set out to build a stakeholder-centric ecosystem that utilizes these Decentralised Technologies to reward all participants for their role in the project.

For the team behind PokeDX, being a part of the disruptive transition to a decentralized, transparent, and (financially) permissionless society is exciting. According to the team, it is no secret that the current financial structure is broken. There are more than 1.5 billion unbanked people in the world, and more than 14 million people are unbanked in the US alone. DeFi, hereunder PokeDX, is empowering regular people to earn interest by utilizing the power of DeFi. The team has chosen to remain anonymous for now, however, they can be found actively engaging on Telegram.

An industry in its infancy
Automated market makers (AMMs) are a part of the DeFi ecosystem and allow digital assets to be traded in a permissionless and automatic way by using liquidity pools rather than a centralized order book. This model is a win-win for both traders executing swaps and market makers are incentivized to supply their tokens and earn fees from traders.

DEX aggregators accumulate data from a wide array of decentralized exchanges, facilitating split trades to offer the best possible prices. These two haven’t been around for a very long time. Uniswap v1 was launched in November 2018, providing an interface for seamless exchange of ERC20 tokens on Ethereum, eliminating unnecessary forms of rent extraction and middlemen, which allows a faster and more efficient exchange. Binance Smart Chain just celebrated its first birthday, and this is still an industry in its infancy. However, PokeDX sees it as a vital part of the next wave of development in crypto.

Lower fees as a factor.

One of the reasons that users are increasingly choosing DEX aggregators over DEXs is lower fees. Overall, two types of fees are involved in swaps: trading fees charged by projects and gas fees automatically applied to any transaction on the Ethereum network. PokeDX chose BSC as the launchpad. Due to its low fees and high trading volumes, it forms an ideal place to start and develop its ecosystem before transitioning into a multi-chain protocol, allowing a more diverse trading culture in the crypto space. The team states that they will be adding support for Etherum and Polygon/MATIC next.

Moving forward

We have yet to see the full potential of PokeDX. Remember to follow us on our social media channels to stay in the know. We are on Telegram, Medium and Twitter. The new DEX aggregator is here, upcoming features and updates have been leaked, and we will be covering all news in the following article.




PokeDX is bringing sophisticated trading capabilities to DeFi by rethinking how DEX aggregators operate. Follow PokeDX to stay in the know. Beta is almost here.